Zenemanó Drawing Contest for children
The Cziffra Festival announces a contest for nursery school and lower grades of elementary school children. We are waiting for works for the drawing contest related to the classical music festival, which are presented in a story or a part of a folk song. Based on the winning drawings, textile artists create the cushion depicting the drawing, which is given as a gift for the winner.
Ten winners from thei drawing will have a “zenemanó cushion”.
Please draw the drawings in a minimum size of A5, maximum A4. There are no technical restrictions, drawing can be colorful or black and white, creators can use crayons, felt tip pens or pencils.
Please submit the works in digital format by e-mail address ( mesterkurzus[at]cziffrafesztival.hu ) or mail to the MOMkult address ( 1124 Budapest, Csörsz utca 18.)
Deadline | February 3, 2019
In case of e-mail to the subject, in case of postal mail to the envelope please write: “My Zenemanó.”
Please provide the following information in the e-mail or on the back of the drawing:
Name of the creator of the drawing, his age;
nursery school / school name;
name of guardian / teacher, contact details (phone, e-mail).
More information: mesterkurzus [at] cziffrafesztival.hu