György Cziffra Exhibition Opening
Fostering the memory of György Cziffra, enlivening his life with an exhibition, bringing man closer to him is in the atmosphere of the Molnár C. Pál Gallery. The master’s wife Gstettner Alice was a teacher of the Budapest Music Academy, so painting and music lived together in this studio and the apartment below where they live
Following this tradition, many musical events, garden concerts connect the two art branches. György Cziffra also dreamed of something similar in the Senlis chapel, where he started young artists in their musical and fine arts careers. The exhibition opens with the title of “Cranes and flowers“ for the birthday of György Cziffra, on November 8th ( he was born November 5th) and will be open until the end of the Festival. The exhibition consists of photos, personal memories and surprises, to those who do not yet know this proximity with George Cziffra’s extraordinary personality and genius.
The exhibition brings a new color to the Cziffra Festival, another approach to the great music experiences of the concert halls. There will be many events connected to the exhibition, and György Cziffra’s personal friends and acquaintances will recall this extraordinary “fireman” who came out of the darkness. We would like the exhibition to be a major drive, a great respect for György Cziffra, who, because of the storms of history, “did not find his home in the country”. Éva Csillag